My Academic Interests...

Research, British Literature, Children's Literature, pedagogy

My College Life...

I can honestly say that my college experience has been an adventure. As a non-traditional student, I was able to approach my classes in ways which often greatly varied from my classmates, and I believe that our close interractions afforded us all the ability to explore ideas and help each other learn. My different perspective would often lead to some of the more interesting classroom discussions and I greatly enjoyed my opportunity to see things from new perspectives.

Being one of the first students at GGC in the English major, I had the opportunity to work closely with the faculty and staff to help shape the direction of the major. The close mentorship program at GGC also afforded me the opportunity to explore literature not typically included on the class syllabi, but which I was interested in. As an English major, I was able to:

  • Work closely with my professors to tailor my class lessons
  • Explore my own interests and develop a lesson plan
  • In 2010 I was awarded the Outstanding Student Award for the School of Liberal Arts

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